Michael Buble - Hollywood
By far, I think this is michael's most interesting song and funny and original. Love him impersonating Bieber! :) Michael Buble is so talented, great voice and dreamy. ;)
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
This is my first post for 2011. Also, my first post after falling out of a relationship that lasted for 2 years and 8 months. Stracciatella, like how Reza Salleh puts it. But, I guess it's the ups and downs of life. :) I'm glad I experienced it, not too glad I got out of it but yet glad to have been loved and to have loved. Thank you for always being there for me. :)

2011 have been good to me so far. Met new people, got close with new people and of course, lost some along the way. And some, appeared after a long while being missing. I'm pretty sure you know who you are. :) While, one particularly met while I was trying to look for a home for him. Yes, you, Malaysian-Belgian finest. :) The only one of the 3 who stayed back to accompany me and stella lim to get my car from the police station. And, i'm glad you did that. Thank you. :) Also, am so glad that Fizlee popped back into my life. YOU BITCH. :) i hate u. but i love u. thanks for ignoring me at Gili T. i hate u. but i love u. <3
I can't wait to head off to the sea again. To a remote island where nobody disturbs me, no phone calls, no such thing called the data plan, of course, no FB too. Me, the clear blue sea, cocktails and awesome company. :) my ultimate getaway, ultimate relaxation. tanning myself away, understanding foreign language. oh, heavenly. :)

Finally, we booked our getaway to somewhere foreign. :) Wei Lee, Amelia, Punz and myself. Of course one more is always missing-in-action, the singaporean one, Mien. Can't wait to catch up with these girls and our MMU days, our younger days. we're still young now, just younger then. :)

I'm gonna make 2011 different. how? i'll figure that out. :p I'm going to. In every way possible. Gonna wanna realize my dreams. :) Running out of time!
This is my first post for 2011. Also, my first post after falling out of a relationship that lasted for 2 years and 8 months. Stracciatella, like how Reza Salleh puts it. But, I guess it's the ups and downs of life. :) I'm glad I experienced it, not too glad I got out of it but yet glad to have been loved and to have loved. Thank you for always being there for me. :)

2011 have been good to me so far. Met new people, got close with new people and of course, lost some along the way. And some, appeared after a long while being missing. I'm pretty sure you know who you are. :) While, one particularly met while I was trying to look for a home for him. Yes, you, Malaysian-Belgian finest. :) The only one of the 3 who stayed back to accompany me and stella lim to get my car from the police station. And, i'm glad you did that. Thank you. :) Also, am so glad that Fizlee popped back into my life. YOU BITCH. :) i hate u. but i love u. thanks for ignoring me at Gili T. i hate u. but i love u. <3
I can't wait to head off to the sea again. To a remote island where nobody disturbs me, no phone calls, no such thing called the data plan, of course, no FB too. Me, the clear blue sea, cocktails and awesome company. :) my ultimate getaway, ultimate relaxation. tanning myself away, understanding foreign language. oh, heavenly. :)

Finally, we booked our getaway to somewhere foreign. :) Wei Lee, Amelia, Punz and myself. Of course one more is always missing-in-action, the singaporean one, Mien. Can't wait to catch up with these girls and our MMU days, our younger days. we're still young now, just younger then. :)

I'm gonna make 2011 different. how? i'll figure that out. :p I'm going to. In every way possible. Gonna wanna realize my dreams. :) Running out of time!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Good Ol' Times
I was looking through my thousands of photos on Facebook at 1.30am on a Monday night. Looking at people i've met, people that i have hung out with, people that i've done things with and go places with... i really miss my old times.
In my course of life, i've met all sorts of people and ive done all sorts of things.. i have my crazy bunch of friends which lepaks and sees my face almost 7 days a week. :) the same crazy bunch that don't mind going to nirwanas everyday too. lol. and also the people that i met during the december 5 season. lol.

and i have my crazy bunch that originated from melaka.... i miss the times where we hungout in a huge big group with the now father-to-be and the singaporean with us all normal malaccans. hehe. it's been a long long time since we last had that kinda session and im really missing it. :)

And as I look further... i miss my friends from university too! i miss having 5 of us hanging out in cahaya dinar drinking 30glasses of drinks! or just a sleep over in amelia's with me revealing some secrets. :) good ol' times.

And along the years.. i met people all over from #chatfriends #hungheng all those channels that became my friends... i met christopher who runs a successful yong tau foo shop and now's the personal photographer of our melaka Chief Minister. :D
and i got bored one day in the office.. and was lingering on forum.lowyat.net and realised there isn't any Malaccan thread.. and i started one! and bam! God blessed me with a group of crazy bunch friends too. :) i love u guys too, ya know my rakyat :)

And then i joined walton and i've also crossed path with some good souls that i'll never forget times that we had, songs that we sang and the mic that i wouldn't let go. some that i'm still so close to till today and one that's even my housemate. :)

I got hooked to couchsurfing for awhile thanx to Nicolekiss. i got to know the people and its unbelievable the experience u get. nothing of the usual. Places the cs-ers go, the things they do.. i've never known there was a waterfall/bbq area at the back of melawati hills for a fact that i was living there for 2 years! not to mention a friend who was born n breed there also don't know!

From CS, i met Zain. He inspires me, really. :) and because of Zain, i got involved with flashmobs and am loving it. I met great people during flashmobs, did great and crazy stuff i've never done. I decorated the monorail and seeing priceless facial expression of the people :) and best of it all to appear on front page of The Star. :) I loved the stomping that we done.. i miss the rehearsals that we had and the fun that i used to have eventhough most of the time i do it alone. :) becoz i meet great people there.

And also some of the important people in my life that have been there for me whatever it takes or wherever it was... things we have done, places we have gone, pictures we have taken.... i miss them all. :)

And i also miss the 4-hour-long conversation i had with my sis for the first time over the telephone. Knowing whats on her mind and her knowing wats on mine... is priceless. i miss the times we hangout together too, especially when she was still a kid. :)
If i could repeat my whole process again, i wouldnt change a thing. because these people have brought joy to my life making my life interesting, making me feel important and activities and things that we do... no money can buy them. :)
i love all of u guys.... <3
I was looking through my thousands of photos on Facebook at 1.30am on a Monday night. Looking at people i've met, people that i have hung out with, people that i've done things with and go places with... i really miss my old times.
In my course of life, i've met all sorts of people and ive done all sorts of things.. i have my crazy bunch of friends which lepaks and sees my face almost 7 days a week. :) the same crazy bunch that don't mind going to nirwanas everyday too. lol. and also the people that i met during the december 5 season. lol.

and i have my crazy bunch that originated from melaka.... i miss the times where we hungout in a huge big group with the now father-to-be and the singaporean with us all normal malaccans. hehe. it's been a long long time since we last had that kinda session and im really missing it. :)

And as I look further... i miss my friends from university too! i miss having 5 of us hanging out in cahaya dinar drinking 30glasses of drinks! or just a sleep over in amelia's with me revealing some secrets. :) good ol' times.

And along the years.. i met people all over from #chatfriends #hungheng all those channels that became my friends... i met christopher who runs a successful yong tau foo shop and now's the personal photographer of our melaka Chief Minister. :D
and i got bored one day in the office.. and was lingering on forum.lowyat.net and realised there isn't any Malaccan thread.. and i started one! and bam! God blessed me with a group of crazy bunch friends too. :) i love u guys too, ya know my rakyat :)

And then i joined walton and i've also crossed path with some good souls that i'll never forget times that we had, songs that we sang and the mic that i wouldn't let go. some that i'm still so close to till today and one that's even my housemate. :)

I got hooked to couchsurfing for awhile thanx to Nicolekiss. i got to know the people and its unbelievable the experience u get. nothing of the usual. Places the cs-ers go, the things they do.. i've never known there was a waterfall/bbq area at the back of melawati hills for a fact that i was living there for 2 years! not to mention a friend who was born n breed there also don't know!

From CS, i met Zain. He inspires me, really. :) and because of Zain, i got involved with flashmobs and am loving it. I met great people during flashmobs, did great and crazy stuff i've never done. I decorated the monorail and seeing priceless facial expression of the people :) and best of it all to appear on front page of The Star. :) I loved the stomping that we done.. i miss the rehearsals that we had and the fun that i used to have eventhough most of the time i do it alone. :) becoz i meet great people there.

And also some of the important people in my life that have been there for me whatever it takes or wherever it was... things we have done, places we have gone, pictures we have taken.... i miss them all. :)

And i also miss the 4-hour-long conversation i had with my sis for the first time over the telephone. Knowing whats on her mind and her knowing wats on mine... is priceless. i miss the times we hangout together too, especially when she was still a kid. :)
If i could repeat my whole process again, i wouldnt change a thing. because these people have brought joy to my life making my life interesting, making me feel important and activities and things that we do... no money can buy them. :)
i love all of u guys.... <3
Friday, June 04, 2010
Gili Trawangan!
hello guys!!!! i am finally updating my blog .. after gazillion of years! :D
Just got back from Bali and Gili Trawangan in Lombok!! Fantastic place! almost impossible for me not to blog about it. The last time when wei lee suggested bali, i was like.... er no? don't really liked the place. overly commercialized and full jam packed with humans.
But, Gili Trawangan?
That was heaven! the only setback was the journey there ,... the 2 hour ride in the van that goes on bumpy construction roads constantly that gave us all headaches, bodyaches and whatever aches that you could think of! The Gilicat boat ride with 900 horsepower makes u giddy and go cucckoo! but heck! end result.... BEAUTIFUL!
Gili Trawangan has no motorbikes, no cars, no vehicles! the only mode of public transportation is the horse cart! and the only mode of private transportation is bicycle! :) I *heart heart heart* the island! The people are super friendly and the place is very safe. :)
There isn't any police on the island, only persatuan. If found stealing, the person will be stripped naked holding a board "saya mencuri" and forced to run around the island where locals can feel free to whack the person. Only then , the police from the mainland lombok will come and take them to prison. Sinbad, regan and myself lepaked at one of the warong from 9.30pm till1.30am chatting with the locals. We ordered some food with super sedap sambal lombok and ended u asking if we could have customized order for the sambal. The pool lady gotta go make the sambal at 12++am! best part of it all, it comes with a recipe! :)
Back in Kuta, it's full of cars, jam, pollution and i missed Gili T already! A perfect getaway! Kuta is a shopper's paradise la. u could find almost anything there I was basically enjoying the massages in kuta for 1/4 the price in malaysia! green grass sa has the best massuer around town i believe :)
Enjoy the pictures!
hello guys!!!! i am finally updating my blog .. after gazillion of years! :D
Just got back from Bali and Gili Trawangan in Lombok!! Fantastic place! almost impossible for me not to blog about it. The last time when wei lee suggested bali, i was like.... er no? don't really liked the place. overly commercialized and full jam packed with humans.
But, Gili Trawangan?
That was heaven! the only setback was the journey there ,... the 2 hour ride in the van that goes on bumpy construction roads constantly that gave us all headaches, bodyaches and whatever aches that you could think of! The Gilicat boat ride with 900 horsepower makes u giddy and go cucckoo! but heck! end result.... BEAUTIFUL!
Gili Trawangan has no motorbikes, no cars, no vehicles! the only mode of public transportation is the horse cart! and the only mode of private transportation is bicycle! :) I *heart heart heart* the island! The people are super friendly and the place is very safe. :)
There isn't any police on the island, only persatuan. If found stealing, the person will be stripped naked holding a board "saya mencuri" and forced to run around the island where locals can feel free to whack the person. Only then , the police from the mainland lombok will come and take them to prison. Sinbad, regan and myself lepaked at one of the warong from 9.30pm till1.30am chatting with the locals. We ordered some food with super sedap sambal lombok and ended u asking if we could have customized order for the sambal. The pool lady gotta go make the sambal at 12++am! best part of it all, it comes with a recipe! :)
Back in Kuta, it's full of cars, jam, pollution and i missed Gili T already! A perfect getaway! Kuta is a shopper's paradise la. u could find almost anything there I was basically enjoying the massages in kuta for 1/4 the price in malaysia! green grass sa has the best massuer around town i believe :)
Enjoy the pictures!
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