Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Tribute to Julie Tan


I totally forgot bout JULIE TAN MAN!!! HOW COULD I!!! lol.

lucky amelia november ooi reminded me about it! lol. It was last saturday when we were in Delicious.... November found this particular nokia phone.. ... one he probably cost in the range of RM600-700 or so.. not so sure... but looking at me having my new etouch phone and melia having her canggih-fied HTC, we didn't think it was worth taking it. Adding to that, we 2 nice angels, wouldn't do such things :p

GOT KARMA ONE LEH - quoted from Renan

Anyways.. we discovered her name was julie tan.. and thinking that it belongs to a rich ass fler coz nobody called back to the phone enquiring about the lost phone. and we were looking at the phone like damn long lo.

then we went tru the photos.. and discovered.. SURE AUNTY ONE!

den amelia.. went tru the contactssssssss... then.. she went.. EH LAt! GOT DATIN LA!

Me: SHIT!!! GIME GIMEGIIMMMEEE!! I can take down n do cold calling! :p

And she shit have like lots of datin in her HP lo. So, i took the list of datin, lawyers and doctors :P I know.. me mean.. but but but... why waste when opportunity is there? :p

then melia went like.. eh when they ask who give u their number... say julie tan la! lol!!! DAMN KELAKAR MAN. lol.

Anyways... amelia called "MySon" and the conversation was as below... or roughly la. i wasn't the one on the phone

Ame : Hello, is this julie tan's son?
MySon: Yes
Ame : My name's Amelia. I found your mum's phone in Delicious Bangsar. I think she dropped it here.
MySon: SO?
Ame : @*&#@(#*&@(#*@!(*#!@*&#!@*(

damn kao rude loh the stupid idiotic son;. tak guna! BUANG LAUT!!!!

Anyways.. when julie tan walked into delicious.. i went like.. "Eh, i thikn that's julie tan la.. saw her pictures, look like her leh"

lol. IT WAS HER. :p

she gave melia a gift set from DIOR. kononnya, she's not a rich ass, she works in dior counter klcc, thus explains the datin numbers. :)

Anyways, we angels gave back the phone. But didn't manage to see the idiotic son. :|

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