Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Earth Hour 2009

Going against global warming!

It is an event where we switch our lights off for 1 hour/60 minutes. This event started off in Sydney, Australia in 2007. 2.2 million home and business switched off their lights for an hour! in 2008, they reached the mark of 50 million people!

In 2009, it reached a whole new level. Where, it has reached globally. Our goal this year is to have 1 billion people to switch off their lights for an hour!

For a better planet, switch off your lights for an hour and join the Earth Hour 2009.

Saturday, March 28, 8.30 - 9.30pm.

I understand from Nicole's blog that there will be a march in Cap Square on 28th march. Still trying to get more information. Anybody's up to it? :)

I'm looking for kakis!

Show your support and sign up on Earth Hour !!!

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