Thursday, April 30, 2009


Finally I revamped my blog!!!!

The last i did.. when I changed it into a pinky blog was when everything... EVERY SINGLE application that I have added onto my blog just went.. *poff* missing! *frustrated*

But now.. pandai d.. copy and paste my whole html coding onto notepad first. Mana tahu.. the new layout is so damn easy to use! :) ME LIKE!

And, I just copy paste some applications and I'm all done!

I like!


aLittleMisfit said...

yala... siap dengan iklan-iklan

stella said...

Wat siap dgn iklan iklan?

-m- said...


yea lor.. siap dengan iklan2..

Stella said...

aijor yawl..
the old template also got iklan leh.

Anonymous said...

Nice brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.